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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    "Thats what friends are for"

    Shot at 1969-12-31

    Only 14 days to go for a HUGE night of entertainment with all the proceeds going to a very worthy cause!!

    For more info ph: Bing- 0409 147 447 or ph: Jeannie- 0423 299 761

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    wat my real estate agent said "Location Location!!"

    Talking Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    It'll be good it's a win win situation!!! Can't go wrong mate! i'm there!.....
    and ummmmm........................
    oh yea.. BIPPA bippa bippa bippa bippa!
    Rock'n'roll will stand man - If i'm lying i'm dying

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    I have read this flyer for the first time today properly.
    I have tried to avoid the exposure for my own self well being. It is not easy for me to have this so out there. For the people that need to know what these wonderful friends are doing for me I feel it’s time to tell my story.
    Some 15 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare form of Arthritis called Physoratic Arthritis it laid me on my back for 1 year and some. I was pounded with western medication which has had severe ramifications to my body. I am still to this day on this medication. I progressed to a wheel chair where my team of doctors told me that would be the quality of my life. To know me is to understand I wasn’t going to give up and remain in that chair so I worked hard at finding other ways to live a normal life. So I went to holistic healing, I eventually got back on my feet and am proud of my own determination to have the strength of will power and courage to want a better quality of life. I now have 3 forms of Arthritis Physoratic, Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis, very painful and not an easy way to live life, but I have embraced all 3. Along my journey I have overcome breast cancer twice, in the past 4 years again being pounded with chemotherapy and radiation. 3 years ago it was found I had degeneration of the spine, all the medication had slowly been eating away my bone structure. In November I had a fall which lead me back to my team of doctors, I was then sent for an MRI and extensive exploration to see what the damage was. It was found that from C2 down to C7 my spine vertebrae had crumbled and collapsed with spinal cord and nerve exposure. It was then suggested I have major surgery. I was told in no uncertain terms this was a very life threatening procedure and the high risk facture of survival was only 20 % of coming off the table and it was a 90 % chance I could become a quadriplegic. I decided to take my chances and go for the surgery. I went to Misty Mountain to detox and prepare my body for the long and I might add frightening though of what lay ahead. I am blessed that John and Heather Lions were with me on that 8 day program, because without them I may never have known the outcome of what was to follow. Whilst at Misty Mountain it was found that my internal organs have been so damaged, that yes I would have died. Having no white blood cells amongst other things, at this point it’s not really necessary to explain. Misty Mountain is not only for detoxing it is a place where the very ill go for alternative healing. Barbra O’Neil is an amazing woman and I thank her for saving my life. For me to remain standing it is very necessary for me to return to Misty Mountain as often as I can, it is very expensive and although I would have found away. I believe in the Universe… it will always guide you to the light. That’s the reality of my story hence why these treasured friends have put in place this fundraiser. I embrace my illness for it has made me who I am; I live like I am not sick, I dance like I have not a problem, to me I am well because my mind is strong and I give with my heart to the very things that give me pleasure. To everyone who has loved me enough to go the extra mile and show me that you care so much about me I love you all.

  4. #4

    Wink Re: "Thats what friends are for"


    I admire your honesty in sharing what must be an intensely personal and private part of your life.

    It is obvious that you are courageous, brave and have personal power beyond measure. Your experiences put life into perspective. We could all take a leaf out of your book.

    I can only say that your friends (bless them) want to show you that you are loved and deeply respected. No greater gift can any of us want in life beyond the gift of love in friendship.

    Your friends are openly showing you they love and care for you and your well being in a way you have for them for such a long time. Accept, enjoy. No more words needed.

    See you on the 7th.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Dear Chrissie,

    I have known you but only for a very short time. You have been a friend to me, and your smile always warms my heart on the few occasions we have met. When we dance, I always felt a special connection and it makes me very happy. Thank you Chrissie ..........

    You have shown courage in the face of adversity. You have lived your life with enthusiasm and in hope. May you continue your journey in life knowing that your family, friends & love ones are always with you.

    In closing, may I share with you my favourite passages from the Bible which I have always treasured in my heart, and which have given me hope and courage in my moments of despair and need.

    Psalms 23:

    The Lord is my shepard, I shall not lack nothing
    He makes me me lie down in green pastures
    He leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul
    He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name sake

    Yeah, even though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death
    I will fear no evil, for you are with me
    Your rod and staff, they comfort me

    You prepare a table before my enemies
    You anoint my head with oil, my cup runneth over
    Surely, goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life
    And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

    God bless you, Chrissie. My very best wishes for a successful operation. We must have another dance when you are fully recovered, OK?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Australia

    Thumbs up Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    I've only known Chrissie a short time, and I feel as I've known her a life time, what a passionate and loving person, without any particular agenda other than to promote and enjoy her style of rock n roll. Many I know have told me that this girl never stops, they say rust never sleeps , well neither does Chrissie, she is true to her cause, and her loving family and friends that she holds dearly, never have I encountered such a gracious heart and soul, even to the point where Chrissie puts her own health to sleep and worry about others,so she can offer her assistance... That to me folks is a true heart.. Chrissie from all of us, we love you to no end, all of us feel that we'd have to go a long long way to find a soul such as yours... We love you Girl xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Quote Originally Posted by UTOPIA View Post
    It was found that from C2 down to C7 my spine vertebrae had crumbled and collapsed with spinal cord and nerve exposure .................................................. ........... Whilst at Misty Mountain it was found that my internal organs have been so damaged, that yes I would have died. Having no white blood cells amongst other things,
    I agree with you all. this lady is a saint. You must have been in terrible pain the many times I saw you dancing since november Chrissy. The fact that you can walk around let alone dance is a miracle itself. I was so afected by your post I had to find out more about Misty Mountain. we should tell others about this great place. Here is there web site

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    In your last post you asked who is Chrissie anyway? Having read your post you have known of me.
    In answer to the pain yes I live with it 24/7 I have embraced pain and made it my best friend, we share a lot together pain and I. I don't look sick nor do I act sick the key to being well at heart. You say I’m a miracle then you agree with my team of Doctors. As for the saint thing let me tell you I am no saint, I have a love of life and all that goes with it…. it’s pretty simple really. To know me is to understand I don’t give in nor will I be a victim to what is set before me, life is for the living and I ain’t dead yet. I will dance and walk for as long as I can. I could sit in a chair or lie down and be miserable and dwell on negative issues that will only make my days harder, I wear a smile on my face, I look at each day with the blessing of being here on this earth and make the best of what life has to offer me, which I might add is also pretty simple.
    When I dance yes it hurts but it gives me pleasure in those moments of pleasure there is no pain I focus on the feel good thing. Mind powers… we all have it !!!, I have learnt to use it. I want to thankyou for taking the time to look at Misty Mountain Web page, I agree we should spread the word, I have been doing just that since my return. It is a place where miracles do happen. I know I experienced it and I might add I was lucky enough to have 2 wonderful friends to share it with .
    Love and Light

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Chrissie -I'll give you a big hug next time I see you!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    this is one of the weirdest threads i have read on a forum,.there is a saint, a religious quote, light and love and a misty mountain, praise the lord where is mother theresa? I am sure she will be mentioned soon. i could tell you about many, many people in need of financial help, most of them are too quiet and retiring to shout it from the rooftop.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    wow Bree, you sound like a very BITTER old woman, and i pray that you are never in a situation where you will need the support given in time of need.......
    And as far as shouting from the rooftop...too bad you can't read...this is a benefit run by the musicians & the immortals and was unknown to Chrissy.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    p.s This thread was started by me to advertise this benefit. It was not posted to be picked at or ripped to shredds by people that have nothing better to do.So please leave it alone!!!
    For everyone else that is wanting to come and support our friend or just wants to come and enjoy a great night of entertainment, then please do so


  13. #13
    Allen Guest

    Thumbs up Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Dear Chrissie,
    You have known me for many years and I hope many more, good luck with all you do.

    One other thing.......Bree is not me.
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  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bree View Post
    this is one of the weirdest threads i have read on a forum,.there is a saint, a religious quote, light and love and a misty mountain, praise the lord where is mother theresa? I am sure she will be mentioned soon. i could tell you about many, many people in need of financial help, most of them are too quiet and retiring to shout it from the rooftop.
    Why comment when you don't have any idea why this benefit is being put on for Chrissie?? You sound heartless in this post. I ask you, if you were very ill and in a lot of pain, how do you think you would cope? Much the same way and in the methods Chrissie uses to cope. It works for her because she believes. Do you have a belief system?? How would you feel if someone ripped your belief system to shreds like you do to everyone else's on here?? If you can't say anything nice, shut your mouth (and sit on your hands so you don't type something nasty). Chrissie doesn't hurt anyone, here or in real life. She aims to help people as much as she can. She has the respect of everyone involved in this benefit and everyone who will turn up to this gig. Can the same be said for you?
    You can't handle the truth!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    CAT I fully agree with you that Bree and Thommo with a few Gullybellies,
    I have know Chrissie for a short time myself but with her passion and dedication to the Rockabilly, Rock'n'Roll and Music in genaral.
    She has supported me in my new Ventures I have been involved and still does. Nothing is too much for this lovely person to help out in any event that comes up.
    So to you narrow minded people get your head out of the sand and take a look at what Chrissie has done to boast the image of this scene, and have a look at what her Musco and friends have done to help a friend in need, 10 bands about 50 Musco's all give their time to support Chrissie as she has supported them.
    So all I can say that there is a sector of unhappy people that should take a moment and think about .
    There seems alot of punters are short of a friend's
    Saturday July 7th
    Kempy Entertainment
    0425 800 337

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Dingley, Victoria

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Looking forward to the 7th. The gigs with lots of bands are always well attended and satisfy our craving for music variety and non-stop dancing. It's a great line-up of bands and promises to be a great day.

    Thanks to Utopia for her candid story. Chrissie tested my dance stamina on the pavement at Wintersun dancing to the Dirty Boogie band. I will be looking for dance partners on the 7th while Rose is away for a few days, so hopefully Chrissie will give me another spin around the dance floor at this gig.
    Dance like nobody's watching. Love like you've never been hurt

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Nth Croydon

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Bree i find your comments atypical of what is wrong with are society today ie,lacking any compassion.Here is somebody who has shared with us and a group of friends who have showed love and support and you stomped allover that.Well i hope that made you happy
    Woke up this morning etc,etc.If it ain't loud it ain't worth playing

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    If you can't say anything nice, shut your mouth (and sit on your hands so you don't type something nasty).
    I agree with you Cat... One hundred percent. If you can't say anything nice about someone don't say anything at all.

    Bearing this in mind Bree I have jack all to say about you

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"






    0423 299 761 or you can email me at :
    OR call BING on 0409 147 447



  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: "Thats what friends are for"

    May I just say Chrissie is one very brave lady, Who I am very proud to know and care about. I am also proud of the fact there are so many bands out there who are prepared to help this lady.
    I Just want to say Thank you to my friend for being there for me and I will be there you. Thank you Chrissie. Luv


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