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Gregs looking for
Last post by GJR's
09-07-2024 10:57 PM
0 Replies

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Continue to Gigs & Events submission - click below:


Did you know most members joined to be able to access our Gig/Events Calendar? Is your gig or event listed there?

To submit to the calendar please click here

Front Page - Submission. PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!

The submission form is accessed by clicking the blue, white and yellow button on the right.
This form is for Front Page 'Upcoming Gigs, Events & Announcements only!!

  • Approval - can take hours so please be patient. See below for 'auto approval'.
  • An event can be promoted only once every seven days. Check to see if anyone else has submitted a promo for the same event in the last 7 days before submitting yours because it wont be approved.
  • To be fair to every one posting on the front page -
    1. Consolidate your gigs for the weekend into one post.
    2. For events NOT for the coming weekend, only post the announcement at the start of the week - leave the end of the week for events on that weekend.

Note - new way of handling images and video!!

As well as attachements, you can have images and/or video anywhere in your post and a display smaller versions (thumbnails) on the front page. You control which image or video thumbnail is seen on the front page by your choice of location of it in your post.

Attachments have priority but cannot be in the text area of the post. The software first checks to see if there is an attachment and if not it then checks your post to see what comes first in the way of images or videos. If there is an attachment, a thumbnail of it will be shown on the front page. If there is no attachment it then looks for a video or an image in your post and will show a thumbnail of whichever object (image or video) is first. Attachments need to be inserted after the post text by clicking "Done" in the Attachment Manager. Not "Insert Inline".

This means:

  • If you have an attachment, it does not matter what else you have in your post or where they are located, only a thumbnail of the attachment will be shown on the front page.
  • If you have an image (or images) in your post and no attachments, a thumbnail of the first image will be shown on the front page.
  • If you have a video and images in your post and would like the video to show on the front page, make sure it is before the images.

For this to work you need to use the 'Insert Image' and 'Insert Video' buttons in the text editor (see diagram below) but you need to insert the 'url' of the image - that is the web address from your browser address bar (not YouTube embed code).


Front page auto approval

You can have your announcements appear on the front page immediately you submit them by agreeing to:

  1. If you have a web site, web page or myspace site etc, add it to our links directory.
  1. Post your gigs and events in our Gig Guide/Events calendar as well as on our front-page announcements. This means your front-page announcements must also be listed by you in our Gig Guide/Events calendar.

If you agree and have a website, list it in our Links directory (submit your site here) and then contact me "Contact us" page and I will upgrade your member status so that any posts you make in the Announcements forum will automatically appear on the front page when you submit them.

By asking to be upgraded you agree to the above requirements as well as to continue to post material that is appropriate and in keeping with what the VicRock website is all about. Anyone forgetting to comply will be reminded of their obligations. Repeated reminders will result in that members status being reverted.

Anyone preferring to stay as they are should keep in mind that their Announcement will be approved when we can. As the listing system is time based (posts are listed in the order in which they are submitted, not when they are approved), announcements listed after yours by upgraded members will appear immediately and your post, when it does appear, will be beneath theirs.

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